The epidemic of coronary artery disease (CAD), the main cause of death
s in 'western' countries, could have been avoided through appropriate
lifestyles of eating and activities. The dramatic decline in CAD in so
me countries is more difficult to attribute to changes than is the rap
id rise in eastern European coutries (high dietary saturated fat plus
smoking). While CAD rates in Asian/Pacific countries are relatively lo
w, subgroups, mainly through affluence, show high rates. Inapproprite
eating patterns are superimposed on genetic factors (commonly diabetes
in Asia) and on other lifestyle factors (smoking). Eventually the com
bination of dyslipidemia ('high triglyceride-low high density lipoprot
ein' in Asia/Pacific rim), plus smoking plus hypertension (part salt r
elated) may trigger a CAD epidemic. The challenge is bette public heal
th management including balancing the nature national food and nutriti
on policies. Critical are the sources of fats (often key economic comm
odities), the amount of salt, preventing obesity especially