This investigation is based on a species inventory in semi-natural pas
tures, remnants of an ''old'' traditional landscape, in Sweden. The ai
m was to examine relationships between species richness and pasture ar
ea, neighbour pasture area, distance to nearest pasture, pasture heter
ogeneity and fertilization. Species occurrences were also investigated
individually for the same parameters. Pasture area, neighbour pasture
area and distance to nearest pasture were not found to influence spec
ies richness. Habitat heterogeneity and indications that pastures had
been influenced by fertilization were however associated with both spe
cies richness and species occurrences. Heterogeneity had only positive
effects whereas the effects of fertilization were only negative. Spec
ies regional abundance pattern tended to be bimodal, as predicted by t
he core-satellite hypothesis. No correlation between abundance and pla
nt height, or seed size was found, as would have been expected if comp
etitive dominance effects determined species regional abundance. There
was a close to significant tendency that pasture area was positively
associated with occurrences of species with features favouring a high
seed dispersal capacity. We suggest that the previous history of pastu
re distribution and management may be of vital importance for present
day species abundance pattern, even though this remains obscure in the
recent landscape.