In 1988 the City of Hollywood, Florida prepared a 10-year water supply
and treatment plan as a condition for renewal of its permit for consu
mptive use of the Biscayne Aquifer as raw supply to the City's 37.5 mg
d lime softening plant. The three-phase plan which was adopted involve
s staged replacement of obsolescent softeners and filters with RO memb
ranes, using both the Biscayne and the deeper, better contained, but b
rackish Floridan Aquifer as raw water supplies. Operating and blending
protocols had to be developed which would ensure at all times during
and after project implementation: Satisfaction of public water demand;
water quality in compliance, present and future; Eastern Biscayne Aqu
ifer withdrawal at or below current permitted amounts, with eventual c
urtailment; and residuals and concentrate disposal effected in an envi
ronmentally acceptable manner. These operating constraints, plus the u
nusual requirements for blending control make this project an importan
t and instructive prototype for our changing water utility industry.