Extensive Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to analyze the d
ynamical behavior of the three-dimensional Ising model with local dyna
mics. We have studied the equilibrium correlation functions and the po
wer spectral densities of odd and even observables. The exponential re
laxation times have been calculated in the asymptotic one-exponential
time region. We find that the critical exponent z = 2.09 +/- 0.02 char
acterizes the algebraic divergence with lattice size for all observabl
es. The influence of scaling corrections has been analyzed. We have de
termined integrated relaxation times as well. Their dynamical exponent
z(int) agrees with z for correlations of the magnetization and its ab
solute value, but it is different for energy correlations. We have app
lied a scaling method to analyze the behavior of the correlation funct
ions. This method verifies excellent scaling behavior and yields a dyn
amical exponent z(scal) which perfectly agrees with z.