There has been considerable controversy over whether general anestheti
cs act directly on membrane proteins. and if so, whether there are uni
quely sensitive protein targets upon which they act. Here. we examine
the actions of halothane on a diverse collection of voltage-gated pota
ssium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and find that they are al
l sensitive at clinically relevant concentrations. To investigate furt
her the molecular basis of this commonality, human and rat minimal pot
assium (minK) channels, which have exceedingly short amino acid sequen
ces. were examined. Current through these channels is reversibly reduc
ed to 68% of control values by 0.5% (0.34 mM) halothane. A double dele
tion mutant of the 130-amino acid minK protein, in which 30 amino acid
s of the N-terminus, thought to be extracellular, and 37 amino acids o
f the putative intracellular C-terminus are deleted (resulting in a pr
otein in which more than half of both the extracellular and intracellu
lar domains have been removed) responds to low halothane concentration
s similarly to the parent channel. While alternative explanations are
possible. this result is consistent with a model whereby halothane int
eracts with the channel protein from within the lipid bilayer.