Producing high quality replacement heifers at minimum cost will be one
of the many challenges facing the dairy farm of the 21st century. Bec
ause replacement heifers represent a large portion of the total cost o
f milk production, dairy farmers will have to meet the replacement nee
ds of their lactating herds at minimum cost to maintain the farm's pro
fitability. To keep the US dairy industry competitive into the 21st ce
ntury, researchers, extension, industry, and producers must examine th
e data-base of research in order to determine how to apply the known i
nformation to current production and research efforts. Important resea
rch is needed to improve the dairy heifers of the future. This review
summarizes research of the past 12 yr related to dairy replacements an
d incorporates those findings into possible scenarios for future dairy
calf and heifer management systems. Additional research is needed to
determine how dairy replacement raising systems affect the lifetime pr
oductivity and profitability of the dairy cow.