Experimental fast reactor ''Joyo'' attained first criticality of its M
k-II core (irradiation core) in 1982. Peak burnup and fluence has reac
hed 83 MWd/kg M and 10 x 10(26) n/m2 (E > 0.1 MeV), respectively. Eval
uation of the performance of Joyo Mk-II driver fuels has been carried
out based on the post-irradiation examination (PIE) results including
the highest burnup assembly in the core. The results showed that the p
erformance of the Joyo Mk-II driver fuels was excellent and they were
used with enough margin for the design criteria, suggesting the actual
lifetime could be extended beyond the design limit. A large body of t
he PIE data of the driver assemblies and fuel pins made it possible to
conduct a reliable evaluation of the fuel performance.