The ability of the HL-20 lifting body to fly has been evaluated for an
automated (no pilot inputs) entry from atmospheric interface to landi
ng. This evaluation was required to demonstrate that not only successf
ul touchdown conditions would be possible for this low lift-to-drag-ra
tio vehicle (congruent-to 4), but also the vehicle would not exceed it
s design dynamic pressure limit of 400 psf during entry. This dynamic
pressure constraint limit, coupled with limited available pitch-contro
l authority at low supersonic speeds, restricts the available maneuver
ing capability for the HL-20 to acquire the runway. One result of this
analysis was that this restrictive maneuvering capability does not al
low the use of a model-following atmospheric entry-guidance algorithm,
such as that used by the Space Shuttle, but instead requires a more a
daptable guidance algorithm. Therefore, for this analysis, a predictor
-corrector guidance algorithm was developed that would provide success
ful touchdown conditions while not violating the dynamic pressure cons
traint. A flight-control system was designed and incorporated, along w
ith the predictor-corrector guidance algorithm, into a six-degree-of-f
reedom simulation. This simulation was tested under many combinations
of off-nominal atmospheric density profiles and winds and showed that
the HL-20 remained controllable. This simulation also indicated that t
he HL-20 could reach the landing site and execute a successful landing
under all off-nominal conditions simulated.