Salt blocks placed afield by Swedish hunters for wild ungulates also a
re used by mountain hares (Lepus timidus). However, little is known ab
out the seasonal patterns of salt use by hares, a fundamental consider
ation regarding the potential benefit of this mineral appetite. Thus,
we monitored the use of salt-block (NaCl) stations by mountain hares a
t the Grimso Wildlife Research Station, Riddarhyttan, Sweden from Apri
l 1988 to June 1989. Use of the stations peaked between April and July
, declined to a low in january, and then rose again to the April-July
peak. We suggest that this use reflects an appetite for sodium (Na) th
at may result from the ingestion of plant secondary compounds, a seaso
nal excess of dietary potassium, and/or the nutrient demands of growth
and reproduction. We also suggest that wildlife managers might benefi
t by learning why mountain hares have increased Na appetites at certai
n times of the year.