To explore the electroclinical features of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE
) in early childhood, we studied results of video-EEG and other tests
of 14 children aged 16 months to 12 years selected by seizure-free out
come after temporal lobectomy. Four children had mesiotemporal scleros
is, 1 had cortical dysplasia, and 9 had low-grade temporal neoplasms.
The children had complex partial seizures (CPS) with symptomatology si
milar to that of adults with TLE, including decreased responsiveness a
nd automatisms. Automatisms tended to be simpler in the younger childr
en, typically limited to lip smacking and fumbling hand gestures. Scal
p/sphenoidal EEG showed anterior/inferior temporal interictal sharp wa
ves and unilateral temporal seizure onset in the 4 children with mesio
temporal sclerosis and in the child with cortical dysplasia, but EEG f
indings in 9 children with low-grade temporal tumors were complex, inc
luding multifocal interictal sharp waves or poorly localized or falsel
y lateralized EEG seizure onset. In children without tumors, video-EEG
was critical to localization of the epileptogenic zone for resection,
but in patients with tumors video-EEG was less localizing and its mai
n value was to confirm that the reported behaviors were epileptic seiz
ures with semiology typical of temporal lobe onset.