We have studied the stability of equilibrium and metastable ordered ph
ases (called LRO and SRO, respectively) in Ni4Mo during 500 keV Ne or
250 keV He irradiations. Some irradiations were performed in situ, all
owing thus to follow the evolution of the samples, which were characte
rized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Dynamical equilibrium
phase diagrams are built, by varying the irradiation flux, temperatur
e and dose. At a fixed ion flux, there exists a temperature range were
a ''mixed'' ordered state is stabilized, and remains stable up to the
maximum doses reached (1.7 dpa). This state, which cannot be obtained
by electron irradiation, consists in the coexistence of the two order
ed phases at a very fine scale (less-than-or-equal-to 2 nm). Compariso
n with results already reported after electron irradiation is made, st
ressing the role played by displacement cascades in our results. Furth
ermore we observed alignment of dislocation loops along the [001] c-ax
is of the quadratic LRO phase.