Country segmentation has been proposed to assist in marketing strategy
decisions for international marketing managers. Such schemes typicall
y consist of grouping or clustering a set of specified countries on th
e basis of a wide array of macroeconomic variables. The authors focus
on the merits of such country classification schemes in gaining an und
erstanding about multinational diffusion patterns. More specifically,
they analyze the extent to which countries belonging to the same (diff
erent) grouping reveal similar (dissimilar) diffusion patterns. To tha
t end, they compare the results of traditional segmentation approaches
with diffusion-based country segments derived for three different con
sumer durable goods. For the latter, they rely on a recently developed
latent-structure methodology, here modified to accommodate the Bass d
iffusion model, which simultaneously determines the segments and segme
nt-level estimates of the diffusion parameters. They find that the mar
ket segments derived from these two approaches differ dramatically and
that macro-level variables do not fully explain differences in diffus
ion patterns across countries. In addition, country segments formed on
the basis of diffusion patterns often differ by product. Finally, the
y discuss some managerial implications and directions for future resea