Individual variation in pharmacokinetics has long been recognised. Thi
s variability is extremely pronounced in drugs that undergo extensive
first-pass metabolism. Drug concentrations obtained from individuals g
iven the same dose could range several-fold, even in young healthy vol
unteers. In addition to the liver, which is the major organ for drug a
nd xenobiotic metabolism, the gut and the lung can contribute signific
antly to variability in first-pass metabolism. Unfortunately, the cont
ributions of the latter 2 organs are difficult to quantify because con
ventional in vivo methods for quantifying first-pass metabolism are no
t sufficiently specific. Drugs that are mainly eliminated by phase II
metabolism (e.g. estrogens and progestogens, morphine, etc.) undergo s
ignificant first-pass gut metabolism. This is because the gut is rich
in conjugating enzymes. The role of the lung in first-pass metabolism
is not clear, although it is quite avid in binding basic drugs such as
lidocaine (lignocaine), propranolol, etc. Factors such as age, gender
, disease states, enzyme induction and inhibition, genetic polymorphis
m and food effects have been implicated in causing variability in phar
macokinetics of drugs that undergo extensive first-pass metabolism. Of
various factors considered, age and gender make the least evident con
tributions, whereas genetic polymorphism, enzymatic changes due to ind
uction or inhibition, and the effects of food are major contributors t
o the variability in first-pass metabolism. These factors can easily c
ause several-fold variations. Polymorphic disposition of imipramine an
d propafenone, an increase in verapamil first-pass metabolism by rifam
picin (rifampin), and the effects of food on propranolol, metoprolol a
nd propafenone, are typical examples. Unfortunately, the contributions
of these factors towards variability are unpredictable and tend to be
drug-dependent. A change in steady-state clearance of a drug can some
times be exacerbated when first-pass metabolism and systemic clearance
of a drug are simultaneously altered. Therefore, an understanding of
the source of variability is the key to the optimisation of therapy.