Using data from the 1987-1988 National Survey of Families and Househol
ds, this paper studies the role of the religious composition of unions
as a determinant of marital stability. With the exceptions of Mormons
and individuals with no religious identification, stability is found
to be remarkably similar across the various types of homogamous unions
. Consistent with the notion that religion is a complementary marital
trait, interfaith unions have generally higher rates of dissolution th
an intrafaith unions. The destabilizing effect of out-marriage varies
inversely with the similarity in beliefs and practices of the two reli
gions as well as with the mutual tolerance embodied in their respectiv
e doctrines. The results also suggest that religious compatibility bet
ween spouses at the time of marriage has a large influence on marital
stability, rivaling in magnitude that of age at marriage and, at least
for Protestants and Catholics, dominating any adverse effects of diff
erences in religious background.