For many years, all application dossiers sent to the Ministry of Healt
h for use in Alzheimer's disease focused on the correction of cognitiv
e disorders. Discussions were centered on the choice of cognitive eval
uation scales and psychometric tests. The situation has since evolved
and in addition to the cognitive disorders, applications must also con
sider daily life activities and comportmental disorders. Animal experi
ences remain classical, the use of aged animals not bringing much info
rmation and being extremely expensive. Phase I does not need to be mod
ified at this stage. Phase however, must be done with extreme methodol
ogical rigor, and especially with an evaluation of pertinent clinical
benefit in the cognitive and non-cognitive fields. The simple statisti
cally significant improvement in one scale or another was not found su
fficient by the Commission. The pharmaceutical company there fore has
to find the benefit risk ratio that has real therapeutic interest. If
this ratio seems pertinent to the Ministry, then phase III studies can
be done to confirm longterm efficacy on enough patients. The study of
drug action is very interesting to advance research or even in the ap
plication dossier, but in all cases, the ratio of pertinent clinical b
enefit to the risk of side effects remains the cornerstone of the deci