Using X-ray images, Ha images, and vector magnetograms, we have studie
d the evolution of the coronal structure and magnetic held of NOAA Act
ive Region 7154 during 1992 May 5-12. A two-ribbon 4B/M7.4 flare assoc
iated with an H alpha filament eruption was observed on May 8, 15:13-1
9:16 UT. An interesting feature of the region was a long, twisted X-ra
y structure, which formed shortly before the flare and disappeared aft
er it, being replaced by a system of unsheared postflare loops. Neithe
r the X-ray nor Ha morphology nor the photospheric magnetic field show
s any indication of gradual buildup of nonpotential energy prior to th
e flare. Rather, the long structure appears to result from the reconne
ction of two shorter ones just tens of minutes before the filament eru
ption and flare. Using vector magnetograms and X-ray morphology, we de
termine the helicity density of the magnetic field using the force-fre
e held parameter cc. The observations show that the long structure ret
ained the same helicity density as the two shorter structures, but its
greater length implies a higher coronal twist. The measured length an
d a value combine to imply a twist that exceeds the threshold for the
MHD kink instability in a force-free cylindrical flux tube. We conclud
e that theoretical studies of such simple models, which have found tha
t the MHD kink instability does not lead to global dissipation, do not
adequately address the physical processes that govern coronal magneti
c fields.