The present paper deals with design and realization of a new mass flow
sensor using the Peltier effect. The sensor, shaped as a bimetallic p
rinted circuit includes three continuous parallel strips coated with a
great deal of metal plated spots. In such a device, the central track
performs as a classical thermoelectrical circuitry whose both plated
and uncoated parts provide the thermopile junctions. The two outer str
ips are subjected to electrical currents so as to generate numerous sm
all thermal gradients owing to the Peltier effect. Then, the resulting
differences in temperature induce a Seebeck e.m.f. on to the close in
ner strip acting as a receiver. The thermal coupling between transmitt
ers and receiver tracks depends on any variation of the surrounding en
vironment heat transfert coefficient. Therefore, such a device allows
us to detect any shift in physical properties related to the apparent
thermal conductivity. In the special case of a steady state fluid, the
induced e.m.f. in the receiving track hinges on the thermal conductiv
ity. When the fluid is in relative motion along the sensor, the veloci
ty can be read out as a function of voltage. As an application, the th
ermoelectric circuit is placed in a tube conducting a fluid flow, in o
rder to design a new mass flowmeter. Experimental results show that wh
en subjected to a steady mass flow rate the e.m.f. remains still, even
though the pressure is allowed to vary through the pipe. Actually, th
e supplied information depends only on the mass flow rate. The main ad
vantage of this measurement method, when compared with classical hot w
ire devices, is that any change in the surrounding environment average
temperature does not induce any significant shift on the output volta
ge. On the other hand, when operated in a wide temperature range, easy
compensating techniques can be used to provide accurate and reliable
performance over large temperature variations.