The very significant yield increases obtained by adding NH4 to NO3-sup
plying hydroponic cultures have, for unknown reasons, not been duplica
ted in soil systems. This research was conducted to consolidate and ex
tend our knowledge of the effects of added NH4 on plant processes, and
to define the plant and culture characteristics requisite to optimal
utilization of mixed N sources. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Anza)
and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 6718 VF) were grown in s
olution cultures providing variables of N source (NO3, NH4, and NH4NO3
), culture buffering, and concentration of NH4 and NH3(aq). Treatment
effects on plant growth and composition were evaluated. Wheat grew bes
t in NH4NO3 culture, equally well in NO3 or NH4 cultures buffered at p
H 6, and poorest in unbuffered NH4 cultures. Growth enhancement with N
H4NO3 was accompanied by increased N intake and synthesis of protein.
Lowered yields in unbuffered NH4 cultures were associated with H+ inju
ry to the roots and reduced intake of N and nutrient cations. Toxic ef
fects of NH4 per se occurred when culture concentrations exceeded 16 m
mol L-1 for roots. Severity of toxicity was associated with abnormally
high root and shoot amide concentrations, and tissue levels of unassi
milated NH4 exceeding 50 mmol kg-1. In alkaline cultures, NH3(aq) conc
entrations greater than 0.028 mmol L-1 for tomato and 0. 15 mmol L-1 f
or wheat reduced top growth, and destroyed the structure and functioni
ng of roots. These detrimental effects of NH3(aq) were related to its
concentration in the culture, not to tissue NH4.