Crop growth modeling can be useful in crop management, but previous ri
ce crop models lack the morphologically accurate phenological detail n
eeded for practical application. We designed a rice crop management mo
del, CARICE, for scheduling management actions on the farm and evaluat
ing consequences of alternative management strategies. A simple rice c
rop productivity model was expanded to include (i) phenology, based on
leaf stage; (ii) tiller development, to establish yield components; (
iii) assimilate partitioning by developmental stage, (iv) assimilate p
artitioning patterns of California cultivars; and (v) a direct-seeded
cultural system. The key phenological events were accurately simulated
: leaf stage development followed the expected pattern; predicted 50%
heading was within 6 d of the actual heading dates; and grain filling
predictions were within 1 to 11 d of field observations. Cultural mana
gement strategies simulated included delayed planting, and managing ba
rnyardgrass (Echinochloa spp.; BYG) competition by increasing water de
pth and seeding rate. Simulated yield results were within the range of
field observations, although total aboveground biomass was overestima
ted. The model simulated a 27% loss in grain yield from a 21-d delay i
n planting, which is close to the 21% loss measured in the field. At 1
1 and 54 BYG plants m-2, the model simulated 20.6 and 54.6% yield redu
ctions relative to the control, as compared with 32.5 and 57.5% report
ed in the literature. The model predicted the interactive effect of ri
ce seeding rate and water depth management for reducing barnyardgrass
competition. The morphologically accurate phenology submodel and the y
ield-component approach to calculating yield are keys to using CARICE
for scheduling and evaluating management actions and strategies.