Seventy male, Hindu Myocardial Infarction (MI) patients were interview
ed twice-4 to 5 days after their first heart attack (Time 1) and a mon
th after their first heart attack (Time 2). The patients' beliefs abou
t the world (world beliefs), about the causes of the disease (causal b
eliefs), and about the factors contributing to their recovery (recover
y beliefs) were measured. Each category of beliefs was concerned with
three domains: karma, God, and just world (or self . The patients' phy
sical and psychological recovery was evaluated. World and recovery bel
iefs were intercorrelated, but these beliefs were only weakly correlat
ed with causal beliefs. Furthermore, world beliefs and recovery belief
s were positively associated with recovery from MI at both Time 1 and
Time 2. Attribution of causality to God was negatively correlated with
medical recovery, perceived recovery, and mood state at Time 2. This
trend was in the reverse direction for attribution of causality to sel