Depending on the final decision on the operation time of ITER (Interna
tional Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the Driver Blanket might b
ecome a basic component of the machine with the main function of produ
cing a significant fraction (close to 0.8) of the tritium required for
the ITER operation, the remaining fraction being available from exter
nal supplies. The Driver Blanket is not required to provide reactor re
levant performance in terms of tritium self-sufficiency. However, reac
tor relevant reliability and safety are mandatory requirements for thi
s component in order not to significantly affect the overall plant ava
ilability and to allow the ITER experimental program to be safely and
successfully carried out. Within the framework of the ITER Conceptual
Design Activities (CDA, 1988-1990), a conceptual design of the ITER Dr
iver Blanket has been carried out by ENEA Fusion Dept., in collaborati
on with ANSALDO S.p.A. and SRS S.r.l., and in close consultation with
the NET Team and CFFTP (Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project). Suc
h a design has been selected as EC (European Community) reference desi
gn for the ITER Driver Blanket. The status of the design at the end of
CDA is reported in the present paper.