Investigations of granite forms and landscapes over the past two centu
ries suggest that many features, major and minor, are shaped by fractu
re-controlled subsurface weathering, and particularly moisture-driven
alteration: in other words etch forms are especially well represented
in granitic terrains. Commonly referred to as two stage forms, many ar
e in reality multistage in origin, for the structural contrasts exploi
ted by weathering and erosion that are essential to the mechanism orig
inated as magmatic, thermal or tectonic events in the distant geologic
al past. Fracture patterns are critical to landform and landscape deve
lopment in granitic terrains, but other structural factors also come i
nto play. Location with respect to water table and moisture contact ar
e also important. Once exposed and comparatively dry, granite forms te
nd to stability; they are developed and diversified, and many are grad
ually destroyed as new, epigene, forms evolve, but many granite forms
persist over long ages. Reinforcement effects frequently play a part i
n landform development. Several granite forms are convergent, i.e. fea
tures of similar morphology evolve under the influence of different pr
ocesses, frequently in contrasted environments. On the other hand many
landforms considered to be typical of granitic terrains are also deve
loped in bedrock that is petrologically different but physically simil
ar to granite; and in particular is subdivided by fractures of similar
pattern and density. To date, most of the general statements concerni
ng the evolution of granitic terrains have been based in work in the t
ropics but other climatic settings, and notably those of cold lands, a
re now yielding significant results.Future research will extend and de
velop these avenues, but biotic factors, and particularly the role of
bacteria, in such areas as weathering, will take on a new importance.
Structural variations inherited from the magmatic, thermal and tectoni
c events to which granite bodies have been subjected will be more and
more appreciated as offering explanations for a wide range of granite
forms, major and minor, ancient and recent. In particular, investigati
ons of rock strain, including gravitational loading, at a variety of s
cales, and especially as it influences fracture patterns and susceptib
ility to weathering, will assume a prime importance in the explanation
of granitic landforms and landscapes. Finally, there are genuine hope
s that the close dating of surfaces and weathering events will allow s
tructural and process studies to be placed in their chronological cont
exts. New techniques and observations will prove important to advances
in the understanding of granitic forms, but, as in other areas of geo
morphological endeavour, fresh perceptions, different linkages and new
ideas are critical.