Successful planning in educational administration is highly dependent
on accurate student numbers. An interactive enrolment projection model
is described which begins with pre-school age children to project the
expected number of first grade entrants. These cohorts are then progr
essed through the school system. The model described can be implemente
d on a microcomputer and uses an interactive technique which enables h
uman intervention in order to take full account of local knowledge in
predicting the numbers in each year group. Control is maintained by al
lowing groups of schools to be amalgamated and then by applying to the
se larger groups the same techniques used to obtain the initial indivi
dual school enrolments. Adjustments to individual school enrolments ar
e then possible following the reconciliation of larger group figures w
ith known demographic statistics. This counteracts the effects of stud
ent mobility across wider areas and overcomes many of the problems ass
ociated with simple aggregation of individual school projections. The
model provides a valuable planning tool when enrolment figures are nee
ded for decision making.