We had reported that a double-strand gap (ca. 300 bp long) in a duplex
DNA is repaired through gene conversion copying a homologous duplex i
n a recB21 recC22 sbcA23 strain of Escherichia coli, as predicted on t
he basis of the double-strand break repair models. We have now examine
d various mutants for this repair capacity. (i) The recE159 mutation a
bolishes the reaction in the recB21C22 sbcA23 background. This result
is consistent with the hypothesis that exonuclease VIII exposes a 3'-e
nded single strand from a double-strand break. (ii) Two recA alleles,
including a complete deletion, fail to block the repair in this recBC
sbcA background. (iii) Mutations in two more SOS-inducible genes, recN
and recQ, do not decrease the repair. In addition, a lexA (Ind-) muta
tion, which blocks SOS induction, does not block the reaction. (iv) Th
e recJ, recF, recO, and recR gene functions are nonessential in this b
ackground. (v) The RecBCD enzyme does not abolish the gap repair. We t
hen examined genetic backgrounds other than recBC sbcA, in which the R
ecE pathway is not active. We failed to detect the double-strand gap r
epair in a rec+, a recA1, or a recB21 C22 strain, nor did we find the
gap repair activity in a recD mutant or in a recB21 C22 sbcB15 sbcC201
mutant. We also failed to detect conservative repair of a simple doub
le-strand break, which was made by restriction cleavage of an inserted
linker oligonucleotide, in these backgrounds. We conclude that the Re
cBCD, RecBCD-, and RecF pathways cannot promote conservative double-st
rand break repair as the RecE and lambda Red pathways can.