Edge detection is useful for locating objects of interest within an im
age and reducing the amount of processing required for the image analy
sis. Methods for edge detection usually involve convolving the image w
ith an operator designed to have a relatively high output when an edge
or gradient is present. In textured or noisy images, however, the edg
e-detection scheme must take into account the nature of random fluctua
tions throughout the image to limit erroneous detections. Two statisti
cal tests for detecting edges in images corrupted by speckle are prese
nted. The tests are based on the nonparametric Wilcoxon two-sample tes
t and a parametric test derived from an exponential model for the spec
kle. These edge detectors are presented as null hypothesis tests for d
etermining the presence of an edge based on significant changes in the
location parameters (first-order statistics) between pixel neighborho
ods. The null hypothesis test formulation allows for threshold determi
nation based on desired false-alarm probabilities. Simulation results
demonstrate the ability of the nonparametric test to maintain a consta
nt false-alarm probability under variations in the skewness of the spe
ckle statistics, whereas superior detection probabilities are achieved
with parametric tests over a broad range of statistical variations. E
xamples of detector performance for ultrasonic images from breast tiss
ue are also presented and interpreted in terms of the simulation resul
ts. Conclusions are presented outlining conditions for the successful
application of parametric and nonparametric techniques for edge detect
ion using first-order statistics.