The study revealed a mature reservoir with a balanced benthic communit
y rich in chironomid species. Dominant species in numbers and frequenc
y of occurrence were Tanypus punctipennis, Procladius (Holotanypus), L
imnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Chironomusplumosus and Dreissena polymorpha,
which classified the system as an oligotrophic Tanypus type. The litto
ral zone was dominated by T. punctipennis followed by Cladotanylarsus
mancus. The chironomid P. (Holotanypus) prevailed in the profundal and
the oligochaete L. hoffmeisteri in the zone of the second thermal str
atification (12-15 m). The mean total population density was relativel
y low (618 individuals/m2). Benthic population density showed a sigmoi
dal curve with depth increase, typical of oligotrophic lakes. Chironom
ids dominated the littoral zone. Species diversity and richness declin
ed with depth.