Purpose. Medical therapy of Mycobacterium chelonae keratitis is diffic
ult because there are so few effective antimicrobial agents and single
agent therapy frequently fails clinically. To identify more effective
medical treatment regimens, the in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of am
ikacin, the most frequently used single agent, was investigated in com
bination with four antibiotics previously reported to have activity ag
ainst M. chelonae: erythromycin, imipenem, ciprofloxacin, and vancomyc
in. Methods. The drug combinations were tested by the checkerboard met
hod against seven corneal isolates of M. chelonae. Results. The combin
ation of amikacin with erythromycin or vancomycin consistently led to
synergistic or additive effect, however the minimum inhibitory concent
rations for vancomycin were very high. The combination of amikacin wit
h imipenem or ciprofloxacin led to results ranging from antagonism to
additive effects. Conclusions. Of the antibiotics tested, erythromycin
showed the most activity against M. chelonae in combination with amik
acin. In vitro combination drug testing of M. chelonae by the checkerb
oard method should be further evaluated for clinical relevance in micr
obial keratitis.