RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES. The authors developed and subjectively evalu
ated an interslice compression algorithm that explores the redundancy
among adjacent slices of an x-ray computed tomography (CT) scan. This
algorithm has been compared to an intraslice compression algorithm bas
ed on the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform. METHODS. Nine x-r
ay CT head images from three patients were compressed with this inters
lice method at compression ratios of 5:1, 10:1, and 15:1. The same ima
ges were also compressed with the intraslice method at the same ratios
. Six radiologists judged quality of randomly selected compressed and
decompressed images compared to that of the originals. The evaluation
data were analyzed statistically with the analysis of variance and Tuk
ey's multiple comparison. Kappa-like statistics (Williams index and O'
Connell and Dobson indexes) were also calculated to measure the agreem
ent among readers beyond the amount expected by chance. RESULTS. The i
nterslice coding algorithm showed significantly better quality than th
e intraslice method at significance level 0.05, even though there was
no difference in the objective distortion measure (signal-to-noise rat
io). Also, the quality of 10:1 compressed images with the interslice c
oding algorithm was not significantly different from that of the origi
nals at level 0.05. While large variations in agreement occurred among
readers, the overall agreement was statistically significant. CONCLUS
IONS. By using adjacent slice information in compressing x-ray CT imag
es, significantly better quality in compressed and decompressed images
was achieved. While 10:1 compressed images with the interslice algori
thm were not significantly different from the originals in quality at
level 0.05, effect on diagnostic accuracy remains to be investigated.