Difference in helix propensity between Ala and Val was examined by a m
olecular dynamics/free energy perturbation method. Simulations were ba
sed on a simple two state model of helix-coil transition. Val10 in an
Ala based 17mer peptide (Y1K2A3A4A5A6K7A8A9V10A11K12A13A14A15A16K17) u
sed as the alpha-helical model, or in an extended trimer (A9V10A11) us
ed as the random coil model, was perturbed to Ala by a slow growth met
hod. The computed DELTADELTAG (-1.27 +/- 0.92 kcal/mol) reproduced sem
iquantitatively the experimental DELTADELTAG (-0.7 kcal/mol; Padmanabh
an et al., Nature 344 (1990) 268). Inclusion of intraperturbed contrib
utions was essential. Free energy component analysis showed that intra
-perturbed interaction within Val10 contributed positive value to DELT
ADELTAG and that interaction between Lys7 and Val10 contributed negati
ve value. The tatter dominated the former, which resulted in the large
r helix propensity of Ala.