Efficient transduction by acousticolateralis organs requires that a st
imulus force principally deflect hair bundles, rather than flex other
structural elements. Hair bundles might therefore be expected to provi
de a large fraction of the impedence to shear motions of otolithic mem
branes and other accessory structures. We measured the stiffness for s
hear motions of the bullfrog's saccular otolithic membrane, and determ
ined the stiffness due to a single hair bundle and its associated extr
acellular filaments; this component is termed the elemental stiffness.
Stiffness measurements were made by displacing the base of a flexible
probe whose tip was coupled to the otolithic membrane, and simultaneo
usly measuring the flexion of the probe and the displacement of the me
mbrane. The average elemental stiffness, about 1350 muN . m-1, only mo
destly exceeded the stiffness of individual hair bundles. The hair bun
dles therefore provide the dominant component of stiffness in the bull
frog's sacculus, and thus account for a significant component of imped
ance to otolithic-membrane shear. As a corollary, stiffness changes or
active movements in hair bundles should influence the mechanical resp
onses of this and other receptor organs.