In the reaction centers of photosynthetic organisms, chlorophyll tripl
et states are sometimes formed by recombination of charge-separated in
termediates. These triplets are excellent sensitizers for singlet oxyg
en formation. Carotenoid polyenes can provide photoprotection from sin
glet oxygen generation by rapidly quenching chlorophyll triplet states
via triplet-triplet energy transfer. Because in bacteria the reaction
center carotenoid is not located adjacent to the bacteriochlorophyll
special pair, which is the origin of the charge separation, it has bee
n postulated that quenching may occur via a triplet relay involving an
intermediate chlorophyll monomer. We now report the synthesis and spe
ctroscopic study of a covalently linked carotenoid (C)-porphyrin (P)-p
yropheophorbide (Ppd) triad molecule which mimics this triplet relay.
The pyropheophorbide singlet-state C-P-1Ppd (generated by direct excit
ation or energy transfer from the attached porphyrin) undergoes inters
ystem crossing to the triplet C-P-3Ppd. In oxygen-free solutions, this
triplet decays to 3C-P-Ppd through a triplet-transfer relay involving
an intermediate C-3P-Ppd species. In aerated solutions, quenching of
C-p-3Ppd by the attached carotenoid competes with singlet oxygen sensi
tization and thus provides a degree of photoprotection. In a similar t
riad containing a zinc porphyrin moiety, triplet transfer is slow due
to the higher energy of the C-3P(Zn)-Ppd intermediate, and photoprotec
tion via the relay is nonexistent. The triplet relay ceases to functio
n at low temperatures in both the natural and biomimetic cases due to
the endergonicity of the first step.