Signal processing algorithms are used in a large variety of fields suc
h as communication, seismic data processing, image processing, vibrati
on analysis, bio-medical and speech research. The signal processing li
brary was developed with a view of providing the user with a set of te
sted algorithms, which could be used as building blocks in larger sign
al processing applications. In view of the proliferation of transputer
s in academic and research institutions, the library is implemented fo
r the T-8xx series of transputers. The library described is for use on
a single transputer. It includes over sixty FORTRAN callable routines
for the four data types, namely, single precision real, double precis
ion real, single precision complex and double precision complex. The l
ibrary is also provided with an exhaustive error checking and reportin
g facility on the usage of library routines. An interactive help is al
so available on the usage and error reporting of all the routines.