OBJECTIVE: TO determine if and how the Kramer and Karch algorithms dif
fer in assigning a probability that a published case was actually an a
dverse drug event (ADE), and to determine if these algorithms could be
used to assess published ADEs. DESIGN: Open, single-rater comparison
of Karch and Kramer algorithms in 200 published ADE reports. MAIN RESU
LTS: The algorithms were not significantly different regarding the pro
portion of cases deemed definite (p = 0.5204) or probable (p = 0.2972)
ADEs. The Kramer instrument was more likely to assign a possible risk
of ADE (p = 0.0001), while the Karch instrument was more likely to as
sign a risk of unlikely (p = 0.0001), The algorithms agreed in 41% of
the cases and could be used to assess published ADEs. CONCLUSIONS: The
Karch and Kramer algorithms may disagree in how they assign a probabi
lity of risk to a potential ADE. This may be due to how algorithms are
applied as well as to structural differences.