OBJECTIVE: TO report a case of venlafaxine overdose. CASE SUMMARY: A 4
0-year-old white woman with major depression took an overdose of venla
faxine in an apparent suicide attempt. After the ingestion of 26 venla
faxine 50-mg tablets, the patient experienced a witnessed generalized
seizure. She was admitted to the medical intensive care unit, venlafax
ine was discontinued, and no further sequelae were seen. DISCUSSION: T
o our knowledge, this is the first reported case of venlafaxine overdo
se that resulted in a generalized seizure. Based on nonoverdose pharma
cokinetics and pharmacodynamics of venlafaxine and the potential risks
of available interventions, no emergent therapy was instituted. CONCL
USIONS: The venlafaxine overdose in our patient resulted in a single e
pisode of generalized seizure but elicited no further sequelae.