A quasi two-dimensional drop of a magnetic fluid (ferrofluid) in a mag
netic field is one example of the many systems, including amphiphilic
monolayers, thin magnetic films, and type I superconductors, that form
labyrinthine patterns. The formation of the ferrofluid labyrinth was
examined both experimentally and theoretically. Labyrinth formation wa
s found to be sensitively dependent on initial conditions, indicative
of a space of configurations having a vast number of local energy mini
ma. Certain geometric characteristics of the labyrinths suggest that t
hese multiple minima have nearly equivalent energies. Kinetic effects
on pattern selection were found in studies of fingering in the presenc
e of time-dependent magnetic fields. The dynamics of this pattern form
ation was studied within a simple model that yields shape evolutions i
n qualitative agreement with experiment.