Seismic transmission tomography provides a means of direct estimation
of compressional wave velocities using first arrival traveltimes from
cross-hole data. Forward modelling in seismic-tomography involves comp
utation of traveltimes at the receiver positions and estimation of ray
travelpaths for a subsurface velocity model and source-receiver geome
try. Conventional ray-tracing techniques face many difficulties when a
pplied to real-life situations. These can be overcome to a great exten
t by using a ray-tracing technique based on the principle of reciproci
ty. In the present work, an algorithm is developed which makes use of
the reciprocity principle and the Fermat's principle for estimation of
raypaths. In this technique seismic traveltime calculation is based o
n a two-dimensional dynamic programming approach, involving systematic
mapping of traveltimes over a grid of constant-velocity cells. The al
gorithm works for even highly complicated velocity models. First arriv
al seismic energy can travel either as transmitted waves, diffracted w
aves, or head waves, and this technique simulates all of them. The alg
orithm is tested for various subsurface velocity models, some of which
are presented in this paper. The results are represented as ray diagr
ams, superimposed over the actual velocity model. The isotime lines de
picting the wavefronts are also presented, which reveal the effect of
velocity contrast on seismic wave propagation. (C) 1997 Elsevier Scien
ce Ltd.