Individuals with persisting pain often present a constellation of symp
toms that includes pain, health-related impairment and dysphoric mood.
It is now widely accepted that comprehensive assessment must address
each of these dimensions. Despite recognition of the value of multidim
ensional assessment, no empirical efforts have validated the construct
of a multidimensional clinical outcome presentation based on the dime
nsions of pain, impairment and dysphoric mood. We employed cluster ana
lytic procedures on standard measures of pain, impairment and depressi
on in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients (n = 96) attending a gener
al orthopedic clinic in order to empirically characterize multidimensi
onal clinical outcomes. Results indicated that 3 groups could be ident
ified reliably: (1) 'Chronic Pain Syndrome' (n = 25; high levels of pa
in, impairment and depression), (2) 'Positive Adaptation to Pain' (n =
24; high levels of pain with low levels of impairment and depression)
and (3) 'Good Pain Control' (n = 47; low levels of pain, impairment a
nd depression). The reliability of this cluster solution was supported
by several tests of internal consistency. Discriminability of the clu
sters was examined across both the outcome measures themselves and sev
eral additional independent variables. The cluster solution was then c
ross-validated in an independent sample of pain clinic CLBP patients (
n = 180) to test its generalizability. Finally the stability of the cl
uster dimensions over time was tested by re-assessing 36 CLBP patients
6 months after they initially were characterized into 1 of the 3 outc
ome groups on the same measures. MANOVA results indicated that the out
come groups were differentiated statistically across assessments. The
multiple outcome measures did not change significantly across time, no
r did the outcome groups change differentially across time on these me
asures. We conclude that the outcome dimensions of pain, impairment an
d depression are relatively stable phenomena that differentially descr
ibe CLBP patients.