Fixed beds of sorbent media are used for the evaluation of polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in air. Two-stage sampling and se
parate extraction and analyses of PAH associated with aerosol particle
s and those present in the vapor state are usually performed. The abil
ity of commonly used sorbents to retain particulate matter introduces
a potential for reducing the time and cost of PAH evaluation procedure
s. The filtration efficiency of three sorbent media, Florisil, XAD-2,
and polyurethane foam (PUF), for particles in 0.1 to 1 mum size range
was studied using air flow rates from 4 to 250 L/min through a PS-1 so
rbent cartridge. Theoretical considerations were used to identify the
principal filtration mechanisms and to assess the predictability of th
e aerosol filtration performance of sorbent filters. The results of th
is study indicate XAD-2 to be an efficient filtration medium owing to
the electrostatic enhancement of capturing and retaining aerosol parti
cles. As a result of theoretical considerations, Brownian diffusion an
d inertial deposition were found to be major filtration mechanisms acc
ompanied by electrostatic effects. While the efficiency of the diffusi
onal deposition mechanism was reasonably well predicted with available
theories, modeling of submicron particle impaction at higher fluid ve
locities appeared to be inadequate. Further developments are suggested
to improve our understanding of filtration phenomena in sorbent beds
under high flow rate conditions.