Titrations based on both complex formation and ion-pair formation prin
ciples have been used in assaying nine anionic azo dyes, namely C.I. 1
3900, C.I. 15685, C.I. 15705, C.I 15710, C.I. 16680, C.I. 18744, C.I.
18760, C.I. 18821 and Calmagite. The results show that the titrations
of the dye anions can be performed using quaternary nitrogen salts as
titrants, and can be monitored using a simple PVC membrane coated-wire
electrode as a sensor in media buffered to an optimum pH value depend
ing on the protolytic equilibria of the determinand. The complex forma
tion titrations with copper(II) nitrate and copper(II) ion-selective e
lectrode can also be carried out in either acetate or ammonia buffers.
By comparing the results of both methods, more reliable conclusions c
an be made with regard to the sample purity.