This paper is devoted to the comparative stude of redundancy of geneti
c texts of various organisms and viruses. To determine the tedundance
of a gene, we have introduced the strict measure for that latter. The
measure for a text's redundance is the length of restriction of Freque
nce/Correlation Dictionary of a given genetic text. Frequence/Correlat
ion Dictionary is the ser of all subsequences belang to a given geneti
c text, accompanied by the frequencies of their occurrence. The restri
ction length is defined as that one, for which all the subsequences (o
f that length) are unique. We have found, that genes of human viruses
are less redundant, in comparison to those of human genes. Other aspec
ts of a comparative redundance invastigations of the genes are discuss
ed. The problem of the determination of <<truet>> intron could be trea
ted by this methodology, as well, as the evolution of genome.