Using Northern analysis three transcription areas are detected in the
gene prune region from which three different mRNAs 1.8, 1.75 and 1.0 k
b in length transcribe. Corresponded cDNAs are cloned. Only 1.8 kb mRN
A is shown to be changed in size and quantity in the case of the pn1 a
nd pn3 mutations. This mRNA seems to be a gene prune transcript. From
the analysis of the portion of cDNA cl.1 nucleotide sequence correspon
ded 1.75 kb mRNA follows that its putative amino acid product contains
a heme-binding site which is characterized for P450 cytochrome superf
amily. On the basis of presented results and published data by Teng et
al [1] it may be concluded that at least five different mRNAs transcr
ibe in the gene prune region in area spanning about 10 kb.