The diet of Octopus magnificus was studied from 102 specimens collecte
d at depths of 80-550 m in the South-East Atlantic between March 1989
and November 1990. The diet was similar in both males and females, wit
h benthic decapod crustaceans constituting the major component. The de
ep-sea portunid crab Bathynectes piperitus was the primary food resour
ce (frequency of occurrence 67,4%) of O. magnificus on the continental
slope off Namibia. Hermit crabs Parapagurus sp. (20%) and the hagfish
Myxine capensis (14,4%) were also abundant prey items in the diet. Be
nthopelagic Osteichthyes also made a significant contribution to the d
iet of medium and large individuals (58,1%) and the following were ide
ntified: Maurolicus muelleri, Lampanyctodes hectoris, Symbolophorus sp
., Merluccius paradoxus, Merluccius-sp., Coelorinchus sp., Helicolenus
dactylopterus, Paracallionymus costatus and Sufflogobius bibarbatus.
The relationships between six beak measurements and total weight were
determined and proved to be not significantly different between the se
xes. The crest length of the upper beak was the measurement that yield
ed the best fit on total weight.