In this paper certain projections are examined as to why they are bett
er than others when used to reconstruct sparse objects from a small nu
mber of projections. At the heart of this discussion is the notion of
''consistency,'' which is defined as the agreement between the object'
s 3-D structure and its appearance in each image. It is hypothesized t
hat after two or more projections have been obtained, it is possible t
o predict how well a subsequent view will perform in terms of resolvin
g ambiguities in the object reconstructed from only the first few view
s. The prediction is based on a step where views of the partial recons
truction are simulated and the use of consistency to estimate the effe
ctiveness of a given projection is exploited. Here some freedom is pre
sumed to acquire arbitrary as opposed to predetermined views of the ob
ject. The principles underlying this approach are outlined, and experi
ments are performed to illustrate its use in reconstructing a realisti
c 3-D model. Reflecting an interest in reconstructing cerebral vascula
ture from angiographic projections, the experiments employ simulations
based on a 3-D wire-frame model derived from an internal carotid arte
riogram. It is found that for such an object, the predictions can be i
mproved significantly by introducing a correction to account for the d
egree to which the object possesses some symmetry in shape. For object
s sufficiently sparse, this correction is less important. It is conclu
ded that when the number of projections is limited, it may be possible
to favorably affect the reconstruction process in this manner.