The Phase I Auxiliary Feedwater System Aging Study, NUREG/CR-5404-V1,
focused on how and to what extent the various auxiliary feedwater (AFW
) system component types fail, how the failures have been and can be d
etected, and the value of current testing requirements and practices.
This follow-on study, which will be provided in full in NUREG/CR-5404-
V2, provides a closure to the Phase I Study. For each of the component
types and for the various types of component failure identified in th
e Phase I Study, the methods of failure detection were designated and
tabulated, and the following findings became evident: Instrumentation
and control (I&C) related failures dominated the group of failures tha
t were detected during demand conditions. Many of the potential failur
e sources not detectable by the current monitoring practices were rela
ted to the I&C portion of the system. Some component failure modes are
actually aggravated by conventional test methods. Several important s
ystem functions did not undergo function verification test. The goal o
f this follow-on study was to categorize and evaluate the deficiencies
in testing identified by Phase I and to make specific recommendations
for corrective action. In addition, this study presents discussions o
f alternate, state-of-the-art test methods and provides a proposed AFW
pump test at normal operating pressure, which should do much to verif
y system operability while eliminating degradation.