A new interface for open tubular column supercritical fluid chromatogr
aphy (SFC) to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectromet
ry (APCI-MS) is described. The interface was designed to permit transp
ort of the supercritical mobile phase into the ionization region of th
e mass spectrometer while maintaining its temperature to within +/- 1-
degrees-C of the chromatographic oven temperature. Temperature control
of the interface-transfer line was achieved using preheated gas strea
ms from the chromatographic oven and an active electrical insulation.
Ionization was achieved by a point-to-plane corona discharge. The perf
ormance of the SFC/MS interface is demonstrated using a number of sele
cted analytes showing preserved chromatographic resolution, inertness
in the transfer line, and independence of mobile-phase flow rate on io
nization, as well as characterization of ionization and fragmentation
patterns for compounds from different chemical classes. Test analytes
included a polarity mixture over the solubility range of carbon dioxid
e. Minimum detectable quantities for anthracene and trilaurin were abo
ut 1 ng (S/N = 3) and 10 pg, respectively, while selected ion monitori
ng was used. An average retention time reproducibility of 0.24 % RSD w
as displayed with an average 2.6 % RSD in relative peak height. Retent
ion time correlation between chromatograms obtained with flame ionizat
ion detection and mass spectrometric detection is also demonstrated.