Patients with recurrent unexplained syncope may have cardioinhibitory
and vasodepressor responses provokable with head-up tilt with or witho
ut exogenous beta-adrenergic stimulation. Although these responses are
believed to be neurally mediated, the neural mechanisms involved are
poorly understood. Numerous studies have documented peripheral vasodil
ation, hypotension, and bradycardia at the time of syncope and several
case reports have shown sudden withdrawal of vasoconstrictor sympathe
tic neural outflow to skeletal muscle in human subjects. In cats and r
ats, a similar response can be provoked with hemorrhage and is prevent
ed by interruption of cardiac vagal C-fiber afferents. In dogs, howeve
r, section of these fibers does not prevent the development of a vasod
epressor response. The provocation of vasodepressor syncope during nit
roprusside infusion in a heart transplant recipient with presumed vent
ricular denervation also suggests that cardiac afferent nerves may not
be required for the development of vasodepressor responses in humans.
Other potential mechanisms include release of endogenous opioids or n
itric oxide that may inhibit sympathetic nerve firing, and primary cen
tral nervous system activation (as in partial seizures) that triggers
cardioinhibitory and vasodepressor responses. This article reviews our
current understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development o
f neurally mediated syncope.