BACKGROUND: To evaluate the efficacy of methotrexate in patients with
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) without major organ involvement res
istant to medium-high doses of prednisone. METHODS: Crossover, open cl
inical trial with two treatment periods, the first of 3 months and the
second of 6 months, an intermediate control period of 3 months and an
other at the end of 6 months. A sample of 15 consecutive patients with
SLE who, with no major organ damage, had active disease in spite of r
eceiving more than 10 mg/day of prednisone or who relapsed on reductio
n of this dosis during a period of at least 3 months. 7.5 mg/week of m
ethotrexate were administered orally, divided into three doses of 2.5
mg/12 hours. Statistical significance was evaluated by Student's paire
d t test and chi2; the strength of association by the Mantel-Haenzel o
dds ratio (OR) method and the precision, by Miettinen's confidence int
erval (CI). A p value of less than 0,05 was considered significant. RE
SULTS: Two patients failed to finish the study; one for worsening of c
utaneous lesions of necrotizing vasculitis which she already had previ
ously, and the other for an increase in her transaminase levels. In th
e remaining 13 there were 10 flares of disease activity during the con
trol phases, 2 severe, versus 2 flares during the periods of methotrex
ate use (OR 7.69 (95 % confidence interval, 1.67 to 33.33; p = 0.021).
There were no significant changes in analytical results or prednisone
requirements. During treatment six patients had oral aphthae and five
had dyspepsia; three had an increase in transaminase levels, which in
one caused the treatment to be stopped. There were two urinary infect
ions, one community acquired pneumonia and one upper airway symptoms r
equiring antibiotic treatment; one female patient had acute cholecysti
tis with cholelithiasis necessitating surgical intervention. CONCLUSIO
NS: Weekly low doses of methotrexate may prevent flares of activity of
SLE in this type of patients, but it does not reduce the requirements
of prednisone, nor modify analytical data. Toxic effects are rare and
reversible upon interrupting medication.