Polly-Silicon Films obtained by muPCVD were studied with respect to th
eir structural and electrical properties influenced by rapid thermal a
nnealing (RTA) in vacuum. In addition an annealing in H-2 atmosphere a
t atmospheric pressure was curried out. The structure and the morpholo
gy of the films were studied by Reflection High Energy Electron Diffra
ction (RHEED) technique and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), respec
tively. An effect of increase of the crystallinity of the poly-Si film
s was observed as a result of RTA annealing. These observations coinci
de well with the measured sheet resistance of the layers. It was found
that sheet resistance of the as-deposited films is about 5MOMEGA/squa
re and it decreases to a value of about 1.6MOMEGA/square in dependence
on the annealing.