The study examines the prevalence of high consumption of alcohol among
the patients of a large university hospital, and the ability of physi
cians to detect heavy drinking. According to self-report, the results
of CAGE questionnaire or the physicians' opinion, 25% of the male and
11% of the female patients were heavy drinkers. The physicians identif
ied 43% and 26% of the men and women who screened positively either ac
cording to CAGE or self-report. On the other hand, 17% of the men and
14% of the women who were identified by the physicians as heavy drinke
rs had a negative screening result. Heavy drinking was most often conn
ected with psychiatric disorders, but it was present in all specialiti
es. A wide range of diagnoses were found among abusers. It is conclude
d that all patients in all clinics should be asked about their drinkin
g habits instead of relying solely on the physician's instinct or on t
he patient's self-report or CAGE. More individual interviews should be
done to make possible early intervention in heavy drinking.