Between 1980 and 1992, 227 AIDS cases and 1,010 HIV seropositives were
diagnosed in Israel, 222 AIDS cases and 965 seropositives occurring i
n persons aged 13 years and older. Among the AIDS cases, the predomina
nt risk groups were male homo/bisexuals, intravenous drug abusers (IVD
As) and hemophiliacs. Among the seropositives, the predominant risk gr
oup comprised men and women originating in countries characterized by
pattern II transmission; however, among nonimmigrants, male homo/bisex
uals, IVDAs and hemophiliacs predominated. In recent years, there has
been a gradual fall in the number of new seropositives among homosexua
ls and drug abusers, and the appearance of seropositive hemophiliacs h
as ceased. The spread of HIV infection in the indigenous heterosexual
population has been negligible.